Koenji boats a wide range of people including young people to the elderly. gREEN DOT ETOILE shop is the type of fashion shop anyone can enjoy visiting.
This shop has more adult-like product lines such as vintage one-pieces than its sister shop which is in the PAL shopping street. They have a variety of products including original items, nostalgic items and colorful and pretty accessories.
The entrance is somewhat small and you will see the stairs leading to the second floor as soon as you enter the shop. If you look up, lighting creates beautiful patterns and gives you excitement even before you see the products.
The interior of the shop combines gentle wood material and white walls, which reminds you of American country houses. The light shining through the window will make you feel warm and relaxed.
Why don’t you forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life surrounded by vintage furniture and accessories and enjoy shopping there?

gREEN DOT Étoile shop